July 1, 2022 daniellepaulphoto

Her story

Keri Driggers, CPLC

Cofounder and Board Member, Upstate LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce

Bail Disruptor, The Bail Project

a little bit about me

Keri is keen on finding solutions and helping people live out their potential. With her degree in Psychology and background in criminal justice, law enforcement, mental health counseling and nonprofit administration, Keri uses her human understanding to bridge communication gaps, bringing disparate viewpoints together.

As a communications coach, she brings voice to the light within, resulting in healthy, refreshing and renewed relationships for her clients. They also work as a Bail Disrupter for the newly launched Greenville SC branch of The Bail Project.

Originally from the Upstate of South Carolina Keri spends her days with her very patient partner, two children and their four pets. In her free time, she can be found meditating, stretching through some warrior poses, spending time with friends, teasing her parents (appropriately) and reading anything by R. A. Salvatore or Marvel